Thank you for hosting this and maintaining your content policy.

Reporter Matt Taibbi showed the US government is relentless in its pursuit to control content on social media platforms.

Substack must be receiving pressures to suppress content or skirt guidelines to do so.

1) what are these pressures?

2) how is Substack responding?

3) what is substack's policy on shadow-banning or content suppression?

4) are there large donors/subscribers on substack? what is the policy on disclosing high-sum foreign donors/subscribers?

In a context of little public trust in institutions, it is an imperative to address these questions.

thank you again.

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Social media is the wild wild west of free speech. I imagine if there were no Substack/Breaking Points, Ken would have had to swallow this one and we wouldn't know any better about the whole episode. Luckily, Substack as the exception exposed the on-going (and mind-fucked) consensus shared by a handful of elites that they know what's good for us better than we do.

Let's stay vigilant because right now, other than some reporters on Substack, I don't know who else I would trust.

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Thank you for asking this, Johan. It's exactly what I was popping in here to ask myself. Honestly, I'm very concerned that Substack won't have much choice but to submit to the will of the governments of the west. It would be helpful to understand how Substack plans to maintain its policy under such enormous pressure.

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No one is “mad” at you. All my generation is concerned with is fair, objective reporting. Give us News that doesn’t have a personal bias attached to it. We will listen then and vote based on valid representation and reporting on real policy, not people.

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Of course it's political. I understand your thoughts with X and Elon ... how did you feel about the hundreds of Twitter accounts blocked under Jack? Curious did you report on that or speak out in concern?

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Musk wasn't pressured, he's the person leading suppression of free speech. He owns the damn platform for goodness sake, he's banded thousands of people since he took ownership of X. Musk does this of his own volition. He does it openly, boldly, entirely of his own whims.

If Trump wins, he's promised Musk a job in his government.

How is it so difficult to join the dots from A to B.

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In my day, we call it like it is. I have no doubt, this is politically motivated. We also used to say, all is fair in love and war. I’ve seen so much negativity about Trump on all social media in many titled sites and have not seen any bans for that by anyone, not even X. So why is this particular post about Vance being banned? Trump negativity would be banned as well. It is illogical to me. I think we are missing a component here.

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He got banned for doxing.

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Yeah, i mean…it’s not political if you post someone’s address. You goofed. The fact that the ban is permanent may be political, but honestly, who wants to be on X?

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Give it a rest already ! He was flat out wrong for doing it ! No one should have that info ! and he knew he got it from iran !

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Why was he wrong to publish the material?

Keen to hear your views and whether they would have been any different if the material was taken from the Harris campaign?

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Are your serious?! you all would have never published it if Iran had done it to harris ! give me a break! he is a free and unbias or fair press ! There is only fox news network and fox business. no one should post any link given to them from a enemy of America which Iran is! and thats a national security issue. thats why he got suspended from X. Im writing an article on this I will tag you in the link.

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I just simply can't keep up!

Was this info harmful to Vance? (Aside from private/personal info, which they addressed here). Is it becuz it came from Iran? Is it did/mis/malinformation? I don't get it....

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You never ever take any info from an enemy of America and Iran is an enemy of America. Did the make changes on the informatyion to make it real? Do you know that, no one knows that. Second of all the minuet you click that link Iran got your personal info. Iran is monitoring the link and every piece of disinformation they sent out. and not only that Pres Trump has death threats from Iran so yea it is dangerous to vance.

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There is no proof the hack was Iran. Only our government saying it might have been. If they were altered in anyway the Trump campaign would have pointed it out already. If your worried about foreign country having all our information than your screwed, China has everything on us because they own a good portion of Microsoft that every financial institution in the US uses, all our smart phones are made in China as well and have access to all that information. the 2nd larger investor in X is the Saudi government, the Saudi government is behind 9/11! They have access to everything you do on X. I’m not happy about any of this and all our house/ senate have to do is pass a simple bill to outlaw online tracking of US citizen.. but they won’t because they care more about donations for their next election than protecting the people.

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LMAO get over yourself yes it was !

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I skimmed it, it was kinda interesting but not damaging. No nude photos of him with a prostitute smoking crack. BTW-property ownership in the US is public information.

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I believe he would have. The way to tell if someone actually believes in free speech is to reverse the names and ask yourself if you would still agree.

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we are rying to silcence biden or harriss. harris and biden are trying to silemce Pres Trump and his supporters. so dont throw stones in glass houses.

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The aspect of social media that silences people is the algorithm! If I would have posted the same document to X, it wouldn’t have been taken down because the algorithm doesn’t think I’m important enough. In my opinion there is no free speech on social media because the algorithm decides what people want and doesn’t allow anyone else to be heard. The entire “modern town square” is complete BS, a town square would allow anyone who wants to speak their turn and the same number of people would hear each person’s speech, it wouldn’t put ear plugs in for some speeches and blast out the speakers on another person.

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you dont post anything from enemies of America! if you do, you are doing their bidding. And you stand with them. you reply was telling when it said

“algorithm doesn’t think I’m important enough.” Thats not how algorithims work. AND THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU !

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Great. Please do.

Happy to continue the conversation there.

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In the mean time you can read an article of mine reply to Richard Green…. Open Reply to Richard Green in regards to his Open Letter to RFK JR


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I’m banned too. I’m banned for speaking the truth. They say I’m ‘suspended’ but I ain’t hanging around. It’s an opportunity to..reinvent oneself. @LI9N6k4 I’m clearly also on a ‘list’ as my 2nd appeal was returned refused within the hour. My bio is offensive to the world’s biggest liars.

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Thank you for bringing this story to the Substack platform. It was essential.

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X was wrong in this instance. If they boast free speech then it should be more akin to SubStack. And after the article was edited to remove what they banned it for, the ban rightfully should be removed in order for X to be a valid site claiming free speech.

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I’m STILL trying to figure out what I did to get kicked off and I am trying to get back on there. Afraid to find out what happened and I really don’t feel like going round and round with a billionaire over the 1st Amendment. I think I’ll just get back on Truth Social and see where I go from there because it’s getting nuts and I need to get back to focusing on blogging and writing and not being bullied into silence. I truly DON’T have time for this anymore.

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You should ask Elon how his friend Ghislaine Maxwell is doing! 😂

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Are you still paying for a blue tick Hamish and will you continue doing so?

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I am going to try to post this on X. Have you figured out that is actually the symbol CHI? Elon has some serious issues because he’s from South Africa.

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How did you get kicked off {X}?

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